Saturday, March 3, 2007

Lansing in Winter

Michigan Avenue
Originally uploaded by fullframe.
Is it just me, or is Lansing particularly black-and-white in the winter? I can barely see color in the winter around here, much less photograph it. I'm really looking forward to spring for something fresh to look at. Still, black and white works this time of year, no doubt about it.


MichSt said...

Yea – a blanket of snow and constant cloud cover definitely drains the color around here. I can’t find the reference, but I’ve heard (think this was in the LSJ sometime ago) that Southern Michigan is one of the cloudiest areas in the country – Lake Michigan being the big cloud maker.

mfophotos said...

winter is especially suited for b&w, but overcast days are no fun. I love the winter patterns on snow, etc. Unfortunately, we seem to be depauperate in the snow compared to our northen Michigan friends.