I finally got around to ordering some needed parts for the mixte - fenders and pedals. The pedals are some Wellgo aluminum BMX style, not exactly classic looking but they work well, and were inexpensive. The fenders came from Velo Orange, who have been having a fender sale making aluminum fenders extremely affordable. I opted for their fluted 48mm fenders to cover the Raleigh Mixte's 27" wheels and tires.
They come undrilled, and so take quite a bit of work to fit. I had to fiddle with them, crimping them at the chainstay and fork crown since they were a tad too wide for this frame. The frame also lacks mounting holes at the stays, so I used P-clamps to mount the rear fender. Before mounting the fender I gave them a quick polish with Mother's aluminum polish. They aren't to the mirror finish that you see sometimes, but they're just right for this frame as is. I didn't do too bad with fenderline and mounting for a first timer, if I do say so myself.
The chrome is quite pitted at the fork ends, bars, stem, and crank, so that may be my next project here. Any suggestions? I'd also like to find a classic-style front and rear light sometime.